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International Standard Safeguarding Policies

Our Commitment to Students and Parents

We are committed to our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in our care and those who work in the school. Through our work we aim to ensure a safe learning and working environment for students, staff, parents and visitors alike. We take our responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection very seriously. Any member of our community can share safeguarding concerns with the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Mr. Michael Tower. It is our aim to ensure that each student feels that they have a trusted adult that they can communicate their concerns or worries to.

There are occasions that our concern about a child may mean that we need to consult other agencies. We always aim to work in partnership with parents to ensure that the appropriate support and interventions are in place to support the child. We work hard to establish positive relationships with professionals outside of International School Ho Chi Minh City – American Academy (ISHCMC-AA) who can offer specialist support.

Our Advisory Program, Protective Behavior Lessons, and Health classes support the social and emotional aspects of learning which is fully supported by advisory teachers. Our counselors work closely to support students with specific concerns and also with preparation for college– for our secondary learners. We operate an open door policy and encourage all students and parents to share concerns so that we can support with appropriate interventions. Parent Seminars and Tea Times are offered to provide parents an opportunity to learn about and discuss topical issues, such as cyber safety.

Our Commitment to Staff

Staff receive regular training and updates on their professional responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection. All teaching and classroom support staff hold a basic first aid qualification. Our school is supported by our onsite clinic and staff.

We have an extensive after school, trips and visits program which allows our students to take their learning outside of the classroom. All activities are risk assessed, and health and safety is always our priority.

Our Commitment to Visitors

We welcome parents, families and visitors to our school. However, access to the school site is closely monitored, with a 24-hour security presence and cameras recording 24 hours a day. Our sign-in system and visitor pass system ensure that we can easily identify adults on site. All adults who work with our students, including visiting professionals, are appropriately checked and / or supervised. This also supports our emergency evacuation processes which are in place.

Our Commitment to Safe Recruitment

Our recruitment procedures follow ‘Safer Recruitment’ guidelines to make sure all employees and contractors are suitable to work with our students. All staff must undertake an Avvanz background check, including criminal checks in other countries where they have resided. This is supported by detailed resumes, reference checks and a robust interview process.

ISHCMC-American Academy Safeguarding Team

Mr. Rob Wilson, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Director of Student Services

Ms. Krissy Gutierrez, Deputy Safeguarding Lead and High School Counselor

Ms. Toan Le, Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Middle School Counselor